PBE Games : Namer

Hey folks. I've noticed an increase in bounced mail from two causes. The first, is mispelled email addresses. Web browsers retain form data you entered previously, so if you're not getting the results you think you should, double check email addresses in the form before hitting submit. The second and and much more common reason is sending results to mailing lists/discussion groups. If you want to send results to a mailing list or group, you MUST include [email protected] in your group as a sender-only member. No legitimate list/group service will allow random senders thanks to spammers. If you need help setting this up for your group, contact me via the contact form and I can probably help figure it out. Thanks! Mark


Skip to the Instructions

Preset Languages: First Names
Preset Languages: Surnames
Name Type
Name Length
Pattern Length
Primary Source
American Basque Greek
Italian Japanese Norwegian
Sanskrit Slavic
Secondary Source
American Basque Greek
Italian Japanese Norwegian
Sanskrit Slavic


This generator creates random names for NPCs based on letter frequencies in base languages. Frequecies are calculated based on dictionaries of names drawn from various languages. There are two ways to use it. You can select one of the preset language buttons which will automatically generate a set of names and configure the custom form options for subsequent generation cycles. Or, you can customize name and pattern length length, choose at least one name source, and hit the submit button. You can select as many primary and/or secondary sources as you like. Each primary source contributes approximately twice as much weight to the naming patterns as a secondary source.

Because source names vary in length, the name length setting may not work as well as you might expect. If the source data favors shorter names, for example, selecting the long option may not give you as many long names. Note: due to the random nature of this generator, it's quite possible for lewd or offensive words to be generated. If you don't want to see them don't push the button!

NPC Namer version 1.2