PBE Games : RPG Products

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RPG Products

Animal Companions

Bringing furred or feathered friends along on an adventure is a common fantasy trope. Animal Companions is an OSR-friendly advancement system for mundane creatures that gives beasts of burden and pets a little extra survivability and utility. It includes rules for acquiring companions, training them, and maintaining their loyalty plus advancement and quirk tables for nine categories of mundane beasts.

For players that want even more from their bestial allies, Animal Companions also includes the Beastmaster character class. Beastmasters have a natural affinity for wild animals and can earn the trust of powerful bestial allies. At higher levels, they can even partner with magical beasts.

You can see rough drafts/early versions of Animal Companions on my blog.

Hexed Places

What are Hexed Places?

Hexed Places are outdoor locations and encounters based on the classic six-mile hex format and OSR sensibilities. Use these locales as a quick side adventure, to fill out your campaign sandbox, or expand upon them to create a multi-session campaign. Each includes an overview of the region, expanded one-mile per hex maps for players and GMs (PDF and VTT format), encounter and rumor tables, and descriptions of individual locations, encounters, and features within the hex.


The Compendium is a free supplement that provides a brief summary of all available Hexed Places products. It also includes a complete map key.

Ash Wood

Ash Wood is a burned-out ruin of a forest. Years ago a falling star landed in this densely wooded area, starting a fire that destroyed most of the trees and wildlife. Now desolate ruin and rumors of things lurking in the forest's black depths keep travelers at bay.

Bitterblack Forest

Bitterblack Forest is a treacherous stretch of mountainous forest that offers a convenient shortcut between two trade routes. Rangers maintain a camp for travelers on the edge of the wood, but the ruin of Broken Ridge Tower serves as a grim reminder of the dangers hidden in the densely forested region. Despite rumors of a lost mine full of gold and silver, few dare to leave the road and risk the wrath of the powerful summoner said to live in the depths of Bitterblack Forest.

The Bogwood

Swampy, oak and sycamore forest cloaks a cursed river that crawls past the ruins of a fishing village, the inhabitants long gone. On a nearby hill, a temple with the power to heal any ill flanks a little-used road, travelers frightened off by reports of a fierce giant. Rumors say that lizard-things hunt the river's edge, but nothing seems to bother the temple attendants. What will your party find when they visit The Bogwood?

Crescent Lake

Surrounded by lowland forests and rounded hills, the waters of Crescent Lake are green and deep and still. The reclusive villagers of Chire scratch out a poor living farming the boggy lands around the lake, reminiscing about better days, when the now abandoned mine once brought wealth to the area. Travelers passing through the area keep careful watch after dark near the lake. Rumor suggests the villagers prey on passersby.

Dead Rock Spires

Dead Rock Spires takes its name from the natural pillars and buttes that rise above the barren wastes. Ancient stone piles atop many of these prominences mark the neolithic barrows of an unknown race. Sour Creek, the only water source in this rocky desert, carries a poisonous stew of chemicals that coats the rocks along its banks with black and orange crystalline deposits. The poorly maintained cart track that runs along the northwest edge of Dead Rock Spires crosses Sour Creek at Kager's Bridge, a narrow span of dried-out wood and crumbling stone. The only other point of interest in this desolate region, aside from the barrows, is Yellow Cave. Bubbling mud pots and steam vents fill its narrow, twisting tunnels, and strange mineral deposits cover the cave walls.

Denshi Ferry

Denshi Ferry marks the edge of the local realm and is the only mundane crossing of the mighty Denshi river within many miles. An offering at the nearby shrine to Anamika the river guardian is said to ensure a safe river crossing. The River's Edge Inn offers adventurers heading into the wilderness beyond the river a few last comforts, and a guard post protects the near side of the river from potential threats.

Dima's Ascent

Dima's Ascent takes its name from Dima Mahkas, the adventurer and explorer who first mapped the region years ago, and the densely forested, rising terrain that leads to the mountainous slopes to the south and east. Traveling through the area is challenging. Several trails lead into the forest, but they all fade to nothing beneath the thick canopy. Foresters, hunters, and trade guilds have attempted to blaze trails through the woods, but guides get lost, blazes disappear, and markers move or vanish. There are two permanent campsites in Dima's Ascent, Mahkas Hill Camp and Two Peaks Camp, but getting to them is difficult. A more substantial campsite on the west edge of the forest, Shade, serves as a jumping-off point for travelers. Those heading east who are lucky enough to stumble upon Lake Greenwood can usually reach the mountains beyond the Ascent by following the lake's shore. Some visitors try to find the Pierced Stone, a massive boulder with a 10-foot wide natural hole through its center. Others seek out the Faelight Grotto, a small natural cave filled with magical glowing lights.

Fen Fields

Fen Fields is a plains region, divided by a slow river that runs from southeast to northwest . The open plains are covered in tall grasses, while patchy woods and marshy ground flank the river-bottom lowlands. At night a vast croaking chorus fills the air. Rumors claim a giant multi-headed monster stalks the river-side swamps, and a wizard's ghost haunts the nearby tower.

Green Caldera

The Green Caldera is all that remains of an ancient divine war and a god's demise. The defeated Fallen God landed here centuries ago, and its broken body lies scattered across the basin. Native creatures that consume the being's incorruptible flesh are forever changed. Chief among these creatures is the Shroomic Brain. It occupies the Shroomic Seat and controls a growing fungal empire. The Fallen God's mind lives on at the Divine Eye. Trapped in the remnants of its skull, it peers out at the world through a cyclopean eye. The inhabitants of Godwalk guide travelers seeking thrills or power to the Divine Eye and/or the God Hand. Predatory beasts and fiends lurk on the edges of the Caldera and pick off those who stray too far into the surrounding wilderness.

Pass of Horns

The Pass of Horns is one of the few places where people can cross from one side to the other of this imposing mountain range, which is both a physical and political barrier. Three outposts - North Watch Peak Watch, and Woodway - guard the main trail leading through the pass. The central trail circles the base of Horn Peak, a climbing challenge for thrill-seekers. Side trails offer adventurous or circumspect travelers routes that avoid official impediments, but they all have hazards of their own. One of the side trails leads to Icefall, a waterfall that purportedly has magical properties.

Plain of Mire

From a distance, the Plain of Mire is a green and pleasant place, but looks are deceiving. The greenery is a mix of stiff, head-high grass and reeds that slice exposed flesh and thick algae mats that hide treacherous murky pools. Fog fills the air morning and evening, so it's easy to get turned around when all you see is grass. The sole landmarks are the continually shifting Circa River and a few small hills. Two of these mounds, Wolf Rock and Finger Hill, are marked by ruins. The third hill, Shadow Ridge, is overgrown with twisted, half-dead trees. Redwater Spring burbles up from the ground and adds its weirdly colored waters to the surrounding pools, and the Suck pulls those who attempt to plumb its depths to their deaths.

Sangha Jungle

Sangha Jungle lies at the heart of an extensive tropical wilderness. The isolated location holds a variety of unusual creatures from an older era, as well as modern interlopers. A swamp, the Sucking Mire, stretches across the northwest portion of the region, making travel a slow and hazardous process. Southeast of the Mire, the ruin of the Shrine of Flowing Flame stands atop a lonely hill and offers visitors a view of the smoking peak of Ratnak, an active volcano. Who or what destroyed the shrine remains a mystery. Beyond Ratnak lies the Burned Land, a scorched waste of lava flows, blackened and dead trees, and soot-stained rock.

Shimmering Coast

Golden, sandy beaches, waving palm trees, and pale blue waters give the Shimmering Coast its name, but it also has a darker moniker: the Bone Beaches. A cannibalistic cult occupies the region. The group lives in Dark Leaf Village, a crude collection of huts sited on a rocky hill overlooking the ocean. Cultists prey on those who travel the coastal road to the northwest, although they avoid White Sand Oasis because of its powerful protector. The cannibals use swift outriggers to raid passing ships, and the wreckage (and occasional survivors) of these raids often wash up on Chokewind Isle, a desolate, waterless stretch of sand. Warning: contains descriptions of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

Stony Fields

Steep-sided hills dot this boulder-strewn plain, which is part of a desolate border between two kingdoms. The only travelers that frequent the Stony Fields are the smugglers and roving bandits based in Dimwood Refuge. Others crossing the Fields risks their lives. Aside from bandits and smugglers, the plain and the many caves hidden beneath its rocky surface are home to dangerous creatures. The trails that criss-cross the Stony Fields avoid hazardous locations like the Shadow Creeper Den and the Troglodyte Lair, but they also make tempting ambush sites. Those forced to spend the night in this land often use the Roadhouse Ruin as a campsite, and historians sometimes visit the Seared Field, the site of a significant battle. Everyone avoids the Bleakwater, the north edge of a vast swamp that stretches away to the south and west.

The Gray Ribs

The Gray Ribs are mountainous and rugged, with a few patches of woods and hills. The Bugbears of Stoneroot Village trade iron, coal, and silver for the slaves needed to work Dragor's Mine.

The Ragged Fringe

The irregular border between the Crow Wood, a forest filled with towering poplars, elms, and maples, and the Green Scrabble, an expanse of dry grasslands and scrub, defines this territory. Two factions occupy the Ragged Fringe. Grass Clan hobgoblins maintain Camp Iron Watch in the Green Scrabble. They face off against competing hobgoblin tribes from nearby territories at the Field of Broken Bone. Their nearest neighbors, Black Feather Tribe kobolds, live in the forest at Pale Leaf. Edgeline Road runs along the fringe of the Crow Wood and serves as an oft-contested territorial border. Civilized folk seldom use the road, but it does pass by the area's sole attraction, the Giant's Cairn. Both hobgoblins and kobolds avoid the southern part of the region, the home of a dangerous predator.

The Sand Coast

The Sand Coast is a barren stretch of sand and rock, best known for the supposedly magical well found at the crossroads of two minor trade routes. The ruins of a lighthouse and the hulk of a wrecked ship mark this stretch of coast as a hazard to sailing, and those traveling by land stick to the roads to avoid the dangerous wildlife that roams the region.

The Sharp Hills

The Sharp Hills are a patchwork of dry and rugged terrain in the middle of an area of scrubby rolling hills and green plains. The Red River, which takes its name from its iron-stained water, splits the region into roughly equal halves. Prospectors seek gold, silver and gems in these barren lands, but often find death instead.

Two Fang Gap

Two tree-sided mountains rise above the low hills of this area, giving it its name. The peaks and surrounding hills are divided by a broad grassy valley and the deep, slow-moving Two Fang River. An ancient bridge decorated with stone gargoyles is the only obvious way across its dark waters. Rumors surround Two Fang Gap, rumors of battles and burial mounds, ruined towers and flying horrors. Only the bold will find out which are true and which are false.

Whispering Vale

Thick scrub and patchy woods slow travelers who attempt the Whispering Vale, a hilly wind-blown pass through steep-sided mountains. Several barely discernable trails lead into the Vale, but they all disappear into the wilderness. The ruins of Haver Hill, a tiny village, overlook the Narrow Deep, the bottomless lake that lies at the lowest point in the valley. West of Narrow Deep, the burned-out shell of Lamoga Shrine stands in the middle of half-flooded scrublands dotted with grave markers. A second shallow lake, Greenwater, lies near the south edge of the Vale. To the north and west, the snow-covered peaks of Skyknife and Windscream rise above the surrounding mountains. Dergar Peak, named after the only climber to reach its summit, is even taller. There is little reason to traverse the Whispering Vale, but adventurers sometimes visit the area seeking the Scepter of the Snake. Religious historians claim Lamoga Shrine is the final resting place of this relic of the secretive Lamoga Order.

Bundle Deals

Hexed Places Five Pack #1 is a discount bundle containing the following Hexed Places products:

  • Ash Wood
  • The Bogwood
  • Fen Fields
  • The Gray Ribs
  • Two Fang Gap
  • Get it now!

Hexed Places Five Pack #2 is a discount bundle containing the following Hexed Places products:

  • Bitterblack Forest
  • Crescent Lake
  • Denshi Ferry
  • The Sand Coast
  • The Sharp Hills
  • Get it now!

Hexed Places Five Pack #3 is a discount bundle containing the following Hexed Places products:

  • Sangha Jungle
  • Dead Rock Spires
  • Shimmering Coast
  • Pass of Horns
  • Green Caldera
  • Get it now!

Hexed Places Five Pack #4 is a discount bundle containing the following Hexed Places products:

  • Dima's Ascent
  • Plain of Mire
  • The Ragged Fringe
  • Whispering Vale
  • Stony Vale
  • Get it now!

Dungeons in Blue : Summary Packs

These collect most of the standard and special tile sets into two large bundles. They also include a nice discount.

Starter Kit puts an assortment of geomorph sets into your hands, all at a substantial discount. It's a great way to see what Dungeons in Blue has to offer.

The Whole Dungeon puts every Dungeons in Blue tile pack into your hands.

Special Tiles Pack contains all the one-off tile sets (Fortified, Hard Times, The Sewers, and many more), as well as various edge, transitional, border, icon, and room packs. It's the easiest way to get all the non-standard Dungeons in Blue tiles in one shot.

Base and Expansion A to Z Pack combines all standard and expansion set tiles into a single large bundle. It contains all Set A to Z and Expansion Set A to Z geomorphs.

Dungeons in Blue : Basic Packs

The Dungeons in Blue series brings classic blue maps to the virtual tabletop! These ready-to-fill maps are packed with rooms, corridors, pits, and caves; all judiciously sprinkled with tricks and traps. Every geomorph tile seamlessly connects to every other tile in the series, providing the megadungeon builder tremendous freedom and flexibility.

All Dungeons in Blue map tiles are rendered at 100px per five-foot square in ready-to-use PNG format. All geomorph sets include player and GM versions of tiles, with additional tricks, traps, and features shown on the GM version. Each also includes a one-third scale summary map, the map key, and a brief readme PDF.

The Master List is a free introduction to the Dungeons in Blue product line. It includes a one-third scale summary sheet of each Dungeons in Blue map tile set; the latest and greated map legend, detailing all map markup; and player and GM versions of ready-to-fill, sample tiles.

Set A contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Set B contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Set C contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Set D contains twenty unique map tiles.

  • 10 50x50 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • 10 50x100 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Get it Now!

Set E contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Four 50x100 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Get it Now!

Set F contains fourteen unique map tiles.

  • Two 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Get it Now!

Set G contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Four 50x100 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Get it Now!

Dungeons in Blue - Set H contains nine unique map tiles.

Set I contains twenty unique map tiles.

  • 10 50x50 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • 10 50x100 foot tiles in a variety of configurations.
  • Get it Now!

Dungeons in Blue - Set J contains nine unique map tiles.

Dungeons in Blue - Set K contains nine unique map tiles.

Dungeons in Blue - Set L contains nine unique map tiles.

Dungeons in Blue - Set M contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 100x50 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Dungeons in Blue - Set N contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 100x50 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Dungeons in Blue - Set O contains nine unique map tiles.

Set P contains nine unique map tiles.

Set Q contains nine unique map tiles.

Set R contains nine unique map tiles.

Set S contains nine unique map tiles.

Set T contains nine unique map tiles.

Set U contains nine unique map tiles.

Set V contains sixteen unique map tiles.

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Set W contains twelve unique map tiles.

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Set X contains nine unique map tiles.

Set Y contains four over-sized geomorphs:

  • Two 200x200 foot quadruple tiles.
  • Two 100x200 foot double tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Set Z contains four over-sized geomorphs:

  • Two 200x200 foot quadruple tiles.
  • Two 100x200 foot double tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Bundle Deals

Triple Pack One is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Two is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Three is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Four is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Five is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Six is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Seven is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Triple Pack Eight is a bundle product containing the following sets:

A to Z Pack is huge bundle containing all the standard tile sets, A through Z. That's over 280 tiles!

Dungeons in Blue : Expansion Packs

Expansion Packs add new tiles to the Dungeons in Blue series. These geomorphs include all the special features, grand halls and caverns, sewers, waterways and mines, that have been featured in various special collections, adding even more variety to your geomorph collection. Each product in this series includes GM and player versions of each tile, plus the latest map key, overview map and brief readme PDF.

Expansion Set A contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set B contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set C contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set D contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set E contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set F contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set G contains sixteen unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set H contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set I contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set J contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set K contains twelve unique map tiles:

Expansion Set L contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set M contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set N contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set O contains twenty-four unique map tiles:

  • Twelve 50x50 foot tiles
  • Twelve 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set P contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set Q contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set R contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set S contains nine unique map tiles:

Expansion Set T contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set U contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set V contains twelve unique map tiles:

Expansion Set W contains twelve unique map tiles:

Expansion Set X contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set Y contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 100x200 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Set Z contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 100x200 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Bundle Deals

Expansion Triple Pack One is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set A
  • Expansion Set B
  • Expansion Set C
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Two is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set D
  • Expansion Set E
  • Expansion Set F
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Three is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set G
  • Expansion Set H
  • Expansion Set I
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Four is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set J
  • Expansion Set K
  • Expansion Set L
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Five is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set M
  • Expansion Set N
  • Expansion Set O
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Six is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set P
  • Expansion Set Q
  • Expansion Set R
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Seven is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set S
  • Expansion Set T
  • Expansion Set U
  • Get it Now!

Expansion Triple Pack Eight is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Expansion Set V
  • Expansion Set W
  • Expansion Set X
  • Get it Now!

Expansion A to Z Pack is a bundle containing all 26 expansion packs, over 275 individual geomorphs!

Dungeons in Blue : Just Geomorphs

Just Geomorphs packs add even more tileable maps to Dungeons in Blue. Each set includes new geomorphs with all available room, cave, and corridor styles.

Just Geomorphs #1 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #2 contains 16 unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #3 contains 12 unique map tiles:

  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #4 contains 16 unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #5 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #6 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #7 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #8 contains 16 unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #9 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #10 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #11 contains 16 unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #12 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #13 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #14 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #15 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #16 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #17 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #18 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #19 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #20 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #21 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #22 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #23 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #24 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #25 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #26 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #27 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #28 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #29 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #30 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #31 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #32 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #33 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #34 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #35 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #36 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #37 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #38 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 200x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #39 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #40 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #41 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #42 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 200x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #43 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 200x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #44 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #45 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #46 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #47 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 200x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #48 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #49 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #50 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 200x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs #51 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #52 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorphs #53 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs #54 contains nine unique map tiles:

New! Just Geomorphs #55 contains twelve unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs #56 contains nine unique map tiles:

New! Just Geomorphs #57 contains sixteen unique map tiles:

  • Four 100x100 foot tiles
  • Four 50x50 foot tiles
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs #58 contains nine unique map tiles:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs #59 contains four unique oversized map tiles:

  • Two 200x200 foot tiles
  • Two 200x100 foot tiles
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs #60 contains nine unique map tiles:

Just Geomorph Discount Packs

Just Geomorphs Big Bundle #1 contains Just Geomorph sets 1-20 priced with a steep discount:

Just Geomorphs Big Bundle #2 contains Just Geomorph sets 21-40 priced with a steep discount:

New! Just Geomorphs Big Bundle #3 contains Just Geomorph sets 41-60 priced with a steep discount:

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack One is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #1
  • Just Geomorphs #2
  • Just Geomorphs #3
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Two is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #4
  • Just Geomorphs #5
  • Just Geomorphs #6
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Three is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #7
  • Just Geomorphs #8
  • Just Geomorphs #9
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Four is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #10
  • Just Geomorphs #11
  • Just Geomorphs #12
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Five is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #13
  • Just Geomorphs #14
  • Just Geomorphs #15
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Six is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #16
  • Just Geomorphs #17
  • Just Geomorphs #18
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Seven is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #19
  • Just Geomorphs #20
  • Just Geomorphs #21
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Eight is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #22
  • Just Geomorphs #23
  • Just Geomorphs #24
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Nine is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #25
  • Just Geomorphs #26
  • Just Geomorphs #27
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Ten is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #28
  • Just Geomorphs #29
  • Just Geomorphs #30
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Eleven is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #31
  • Just Geomorphs #32
  • Just Geomorphs #33
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Twelve is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #34
  • Just Geomorphs #35
  • Just Geomorphs #36
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Thirteen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #37
  • Just Geomorphs #38
  • Just Geomorphs #39
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Fourteen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #40
  • Just Geomorphs #41
  • Just Geomorphs #42
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Fifteen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #43
  • Just Geomorphs #44
  • Just Geomorphs #45
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Sixteen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #46
  • Just Geomorphs #47
  • Just Geomorphs #48
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Seventeen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #49
  • Just Geomorphs #50
  • Just Geomorphs #51
  • Get it Now!

Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Eighteen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #52
  • Just Geomorphs #53
  • Just Geomorphs #54
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Nineteen is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #55
  • Just Geomorphs #56
  • Just Geomorphs #57
  • Get it Now!

New! Just Geomorphs Triple Pack Twenty is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Just Geomorphs #58
  • Just Geomorphs #59
  • Just Geomorphs #60
  • Get it Now!

Dungeons in Blue : Icon Packs

Icon Pack One contains 75 map icons designed for use with Dungeons in Blue geomorph tiles and your favorite virtual tabletop software. Icons are drawn using the same style and scale (100px per five foot square) as the original maps, allowing you to quickly and easily customize your map. The icons in this pack include:

  • Trees, altars, statues, and pillars
  • Boulders, individual and arranged in piles and markers
  • Slime patches and stalagmites
  • Grates, curtains, and cages
  • Pits, wells, stairs, and pools
  • Normal, trap, and false doors
  • Wall and floor tiles to cover unwanted features
  • Get it Now!

Icon Pack Two contains 75 map icons designed for use with Dungeons in Blue geomorph tiles and your favorite virtual tabletop software. Icons are drawn using the same style and scale (100px per five foot square) as the original maps, allowing you to quickly and easily customize your map. The icons in this pack include:

  • Trees, altars, statues, and pillars
  • Boulders, individual and arranged in piles and markers
  • Slime patches and stalagmites
  • Grates, curtains, and cages
  • Pits, wells, stairs, and pools
  • Normal, trap, and false doors
  • Wall and floor tiles to cover unwanted features
  • Get it Now!

Chambers and Rooms is a set of forty individual rooms on a transparent background, which can be copied and pasted into the blank spaces of Dungeons in Blue Geomorphs, giving the gamemaster additional customization options. There are three versions of each room in this set: one with no doors, one with standard doors, and one with secret doors. To make use of this set, you must have access to a digital paint package, Gimp, Paint, Photoshop, or similar, that supports cut and paste with transparency.

Rock Formations contains close to 400 boulders, stones, crystals, and stalagmites plus a number of rock clusters and rough stone walls, all laid out in a single PNG image with a transparent background. Customize your Dungeons in Blue creations by cutting and pasting individual components into your geomorphic maps. Note that a handful of boulders and stalagmites from this set have appeared in previous Dungeons in Blue releases (notably Icon Packs One and Two), but there are still over 350 unique items in this product.

Floor Grid is a free image that is filled with the standard floor grid used in all Dungeons in Blue products. Use this grid and your favorite image editing software to add rooms or passages to geomorphs or to cover unwanted features on your dungeon map.

Dungeons in Blue : Special Purpose Geomorph Packs

Geomorphs with Special Features

Big Time Sets contain dungeon and cavern geomorphs linked by oversized tunnels and caves. All tiles in these sets include connections for 20- or 30-foot worked or natural connetions. Each contains twelve tiles.

All good things must come to an end! Border Bits offers sixteen geomorphs with limited connections, so you can bring your dungeon map to a reasonable and attractive close.

Dungeons in Blue - Edges and Alcoves Set One contains twelve unique map tiles. These geomorphs are designed as edge pieces, with exits links on only one side.

  • Six 50x50 foot tiles, all with a single entry side.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles, all with a single entry side.
  • Get it Now!

Dungeons in Blue - Edges and Alcoves Set Two contains twelve unique map tiles. These geomorphs are designed as edge pieces, with exits links on only one side.

  • Six 50x50 foot tiles, all with a single entry side.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles, all with a single entry side.
  • Get it Now!

Elevations tiles show various stairways and elevation changes. This set contains:

Entries and Exits Revisited offers a selection of stairs and surface entrances that can enhance any dungeon. This set contains:

Entries and Exits Set One contains twelve unique map tiles. All geomorphs in this set include either an entrance from the surface, or stairways leading elsewhere in the maze.

  • Six 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Entries and Exits Set Two contains twelve unique map tiles. All geomorphs in this set include either an entrance from the surface, or stairways leading elsewhere in the maze.

  • Six 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Fortified contains twelve brand-new geomorphs, each depicting a fortification, strong-point, or watch post in the dungeon. Even monsters need guards right? This set contains:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Hard Time contains twelve brand-new geomorphs featuring jail cells and prison complexes, just what you'd expect to find in a real dungeon! This set contains:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

High Density tile sets feature geomorphs that are packed with narrow corridors, small rooms and confusing passages. All tiles are compatible with other Dungeons in Blue products.

Dungeons in Blue - Labyrinths contains 32 maze-like geomorphs that are ideal for building a minotaur lair or presenting your group's mapper with a real challenge. This set contains:

Lakefronts contains nine brand-new geomorphs showing the shores of an underground lake or sea. Who says nautical adventures can only take place above ground? This set contains:

The Lava Flows introduce magma rivers and lakes to the series. Each of the 30 tiles in these sets includes cross-tile lava features that link up with similar tiles.

Sometimes you need to spread out when you're designing your dungeon. Long Runs sets contain eight very long corridor runs with varied connections and tunnel styles. The goal of these tiles is to get from point A to point B with minimum fuss. They're ideal for creating level breaks without the need for stairs.

The Mines map out the rough corridors and unfinished chambers one might find in a mine or incomplete dungeon complex. These three tile sets include transitions between mine tunnels and other passage typest to. These three sets contain a total of 44 geomorph tiles.

Each Miscellany Pack contains 16 quarter-size tiles that feature tunnel and passage transitions, dead ends, and elevation changes. As usual, they include player and GM versions of each geomorph.

Sewers One is the first geomorph set to feature new sewer passages. Each tile in this collection has slimy and foul sewer lines running through it's corridors and chambers. This set contains:

  • Twelve 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Twelve 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Sewers Two is the second installment of the new sewer passage geomorphs. Every dungeon needs sewers; where else are the doughty adventurers going to fill their quota of giant rat ears? This set contains:

  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Sewers Three is the third tile set featuring sewer passages. There's no better place to start a city dungeon crawl than in the sewers beneath the streets! This set contains:

  • Six 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Six 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Tile of the Week collects all the geomorphs from my Tile of the Week blog posts into a single, convenient, pay what you want archive.

Tombs and Crypts contains sixteen brand-new geomorphs full of final resting places. The dead are here, and they need their space! This set contains:

  • Four 100x100 foot geomorphs.
  • Eight 50x100 foot geomorphs.
  • Four 50x50 foot geomorphs.
  • Get it Now!

Waterways contain dungeon and cavern geomorphs with underground rivers and lakes. All tiles in these sets include connections for a variety of tunnel and cave types. Each contains nine full-size tiles.

Corridors, Tunnels and Transitions

Corridors and Intersections is a set of twelve very plain tunnels and intersections. No tricks or traps, just halls and connections. Unlike other products there is only a single version of each tile in this set. It contains:

  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Four 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Curvatures is a set of curved passages designed to give your group's cartographer fits!

Grand Caverns features new double-wide caverns, which align with, but won't exactly match, standard 10-foot wide caves. It includes transition tiles between the two styles. It contains:

  • Twelve 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Twelve 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

More Grand Caverns features new 30-foot wide caves and caverns, which align with, but won't exactly match, other passages. It includes transition tiles between these over-sized caves and other styles.

Grand Hallways features new double-wide hallways, which align with, but won't exactly match, standard 10-foot wide halls. It includes transition tiles between the two styles. It contains:

  • Twelve 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Twelve 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

More Grand Hallways features new 30-foot wide hallways, which align with, but won't exactly match, other hallways. It includes transition tiles between these over-sized halls and other styles.

Sewer Tunnels is a set of sixteen sewer tunnel and passage geomorphs. This set depicts simple tunnels with only minor features. Nothing is hidden here, so there are no GM versions of these tiles. It includes:

  • Four 100x100 foot geomorphs.
  • Eight 50x100 foot geomorphs.
  • Four 50x50 foot geomorphs.
  • Get it Now!

Terminations is a set of geomorphs depicting various tunnel, cave and passage endpoints. This product offers many ways to bring your mega-dungeon to an end. It includes:

Terminations Two is a followup to Terminations and shows more tunnel, cave and passage endpoints. Each tile shows at least three dead end tunnels. It includes:

Transitions is a set of sixteen quarter-sized tiles, each depicting a cross-over between two or more tunnel styles: standard and natural corridors, grand hallways and caverns, and sewer tunnels.

Transitions Two provides sixteen more quarter-sized transitional tiles. All these geomorphs show a cross-over between two or more tunnel styles: standard and natural corridors, grand hallways and caverns, mines and sewer tunnels.

Bring things to an end or change things up in your dungeon with the Terminations and Transitions set. Containing thirty-two geomorphs packed with dead ends and passage style changes, this set is a perfect addition to any dungeon mapper's toolbox.

Tunnels and Passages contains twenty-four unique map tiles. This set is focused on getting from point A to point B in the dungeon. Most tiles are heavy on corridors and passages and light on rooms and chambers, though there are still plenty of interesting and dangerous places to visit!

  • Twelve 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Twelve 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Tunnel and Cave is a set of sixteen geomorphs depicting natural to worked / constructed tunnel transitions. All geomorphs in this set are passage heavy, so rooms are scarce. But don't worry, there are still plenty of interesting spaces within! It contains:

  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

More Tunnel and Cave is a set of sixteen geomorphs depicting natural to worked / constructed tunnel transitions. All geomorphs in this set are passage heavy, so rooms are scarce. But don't worry, there are still plenty of interesting spaces within! It contains:

  • Eight 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Twisty Tunnels is a set of sixteen tiles. Get from point A to point B with these natural cave tunnels. Sometimes you just need a connection or a corner for your cave system, and that's where this set comes in. It contains:

  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Four 100x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Ups and Downs is dedicated to stairs and shafts leading to or from the current dungeon level. Each of these twelve tiles contains an exit. This set contains:

  • Four 50x50 foot tiles.
  • Eight 50x100 foot tiles.
  • Get it Now!

Bundle Deals

Parts and Pieces Pack is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Edges and Alcoves Set One
  • Edges and Alcoves Set Two
  • Entries and Exits Set One
  • Entries and Exits Set Two
  • Icon Pack One
  • Icon Pack Two
  • Tunnels and Passages
  • Get it Now!

Connections Pack is a bundle product containing the following sets:

  • Corridors and Intersections
  • Grand Caverns
  • Grand Hallways
  • Tunnel and Cave
  • More Tunnel and Cave
  • Twisty Tunnels
  • Get it Now!

Sewer Pack is a bundle product containing the following sets:

Custom Built Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

  • Fortified
  • Hard Time
  • Tombs and Crypts
  • Lakefronts
  • Get it Now!

Big Time Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

More Parts and Pieces Pack is a collection of one-off and unusual tile sets. It includes:

  • Chambers and Rooms
  • Curvatures
  • More Grand Caverns
  • More Grand Hallways
  • Sewer Tunnels
  • Transitions
  • Ups and Downs
  • Get it Now!

The Lava Flows Triple Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

  • The Lava Flows #1
  • The Lava Flows #2
  • The Lava Flows #3
  • Get it Now!

The Long Runs Triple Pack #1 is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

The Mines Triple Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

The Miscellaney Triple Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

  • Miscellany #1
  • Miscellany #2
  • Miscellany #3
  • Get it Now!

High Density Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

  • High Density One
  • High Density Two
  • High Density Three
  • Get it Now!

Odds and Ends Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

  • Transitions Two
  • Border Bits
  • Labyrinths
  • Entries and Exits Revisited
  • Terminations
  • Terminations Two
  • Get it Now!

Waterways Pack is a bundle deal containing the following sets:

Dungeons in Blue : Small Dungeons

Need a stand-alone map for your virtual tabletop game? The Small Dungeons series adds self-contained maps to the Dungeons in Blue collection! Every Small Dungeons product contains a ready-to-fill dungeon map drawn in the classic blue style.

Each map includes assorted tricks, traps, and features, but leaves plenty of room for the GM's own additions. In addition to stand-alone player and GM maps, every Small Dungeons product includes geomorph-ready versions of both maps, adding the doors, rooms, and corridors required to connect the dungeon to other Dungeons in Blue tiles. A preview image at one-third scale, map key, and brief readme PDF are also included.

Small Dungeons Maps

  • Small Dungeons #1 shows a traditional dungeon leading to a fancy tomb with its own shrine.
  • Small Dungeons #2 depicts a complex with several collapsed walls. Statues, magic circles and machines fill several chambers within.
  • Small Dungeons #3 is a network of watery caves that hides a large ritual circle.
  • Small Dungeons #4 depicts a temple complex that could serve as an active church or a dungeon map.
  • Small Dungeons #5 shows a simple cave complex with a small stream running through the middle.
  • Small Dungeons #6 contains many circular (or spherical) rooms connected by many short corridors.
  • Small Dungeons #7 depicts a series of underground tombs. Monuments and crypts surround the dungeon's entrance.
  • Small Dungeons #8 is a twisty maze of tunnels made dangerous by streams and pools of lava and steaming geysers.
  • Small Dungeons #9 appears to be the lair of an organized group. Underground docks suggest smugglers.
  • Small Dungeons #10 shows a broad, pillar-lined passage that leads to an altar chamber. Side rooms contain coffins and a nearby cave holds a large statue.
  • Small Dungeons #11 depicts natural and artificial caves and chambers carved into the walls of an underground river.
  • Small Dungeons #12 shows a very large cavern with several elevation changes surrounded by smaller caves.
  • Small Dungeons #13 is a traditional dungeon with a heavily fortified entrance.
  • Small Dungeons #14 depicts an underground tunnel that leads between two outdoor locations. Side caves and chambers surround each entrance.
  • Small Dungeons #15 is a small underground tomb with several additional rooms and chambers.
  • Small Dungeons #16 shows an underground river with side caves and rooms along its walls.
  • Small Dungeons #17 depicts a mine complex with many narrow tunnels. Bars and cages hint at slave labor.
  • Small Dungeons #18 is a fortified complex with wide halls and pillared rooms.
  • Small Dungeons #19 shows a cave system with a partially obstructed entrance that contains several small pools or ponds.
  • Small Dungeons #20 is a mine with many narrow tunnels and small rooms. An incongruous tomb lies within.
  • Small Dungeons #21 shows an underground river surrounded by natural caves and artificial rooms and passages.
  • Small Dungeons #22 depicts a simple cave complex with a few hidden secrets.
  • Small Dungeons #23 shows an outdoor space that passes between two cliffs. Fortifications guard this chokepoint.
  • Small Dungeons #24 is an underground complex with several large interconnected chambers adorned with statues and strange objects.
  • Small Dungeons #25 shows a sewer system that dumps waste into an underground stream.
  • Small Dungeons #26 is a simple dungeon. Many of its rooms feature circular, perhaps magical, pools.
  • Small Dungeons #27 depicts a cave complex that hides a small pond.
  • Small Dungeons #28 shows a cave complex that hides a small lake. Cages and statues hint at this locale's dark purpose.
  • Small Dungeons #29 is a small mine with twisting passages and a few small, rough-hewn chambers.
  • Small Dungeons #30 shows a traditional dungeon complex divided in two by a deep chasm.

Small Dungeons Bundles

Dungeons in Blue : Mega Tiles

Each Mega Tile is a single quadruple-sized geomorph. These large tiles depict dungeon spaces filled with larger rooms and chambers, and many are designed to inspire set-piece encounters and fights. Each Mega Tile also includes the standard map key, preview image, and brief readme PDF.

Mega Tiles

  • Mega Tile One is a large watery cavern connected to a more traditional dungeon complex.
  • Mega Tile Two is a maze of chambers and rooms filled with tricks and traps.
  • Mega Tile Three shows a really big entry chamber with a spidery array of side passages, each guarded with a statue, leading away from the central area.
  • Mega Tile Four is a huge cavern with big exit tunnels connected to a few smaller caves. There are several large pools of water and many boulders and rock formations throughout.
  • Mega Tile Five is a huge hallway leading to a heavily fortified crossroads backed by a complex of large dungeon rooms and chambers.
  • Mega Tile Six is a large natural cavern crossed by an underground river. Several cliffs and crevices create natural elevation changes and obstacles in the cave..
  • Mega Tile Seven depicts is a large temple complex with tombs and crypts nearby.
  • Mega Tile Eight shows a trio of sewer lines running into a large natural cavern and the river therein.
  • Mega Tile Nine is a traditional dungeon area with several large chambers and multiple stairways. It's a great level transition piece as it depicts three separate elevations on one tile.
  • Mega Tile Ten is a huge lava-filled cavern with several elevation changes. Red dragon lair anyone?
  • Mega Tile Eleven shows a fortified entry-point to a classic dungeon complex.
  • Mega Tile Twelve shows a surface complex, a small shrine/church and surrounding graveyard and tombs.
  • Mega Tile Thirteen shows a crypt complex that's designed to match up to Mega Tile Twelve.
  • Mega Tile Fourteen depicts a large cavern with several deep chasms.
  • Mega Tile Fifteen is a watery cavern complex with a few signs of occupation.
  • Mega Tile Sixteen is a confusing mining complex.
  • Mega Tile Seventeen depicts a huge water-filled cavern.
  • Mega Tile Eighteen shows a group of watery caves, complete with whirlpool.
  • Mega Tile Nineteen is a fortified stairway that connects to a natural cavern.
  • Mega Tile Twenty is a traditional dungeon with many incomplete rooms.
  • Mega Tile Twenty One depicts a large underground lake near a small dungeon complex.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Two is a standard dungeon complex with huge corridors and chambers.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Three shows a giant-sized entryway with matching rooms and passages.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Four is a dungeon complex with a complicated ritual chamber or temple.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Five depicts a weird complex of odd-shaped rooms.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Six depicts an underground lake surrounded by natural caverns and sewer tunnels.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Seven shows a fortified, underground crossroads.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Eight is a large tomb complex that borders some natural caves.
  • Mega Tile Twenty Nine portrays a traditional dungeon complex with many large hallways and open rooms.
  • Mega Tile Thirty depicts a surface entrance which leads to a sizeable statue-filled chamber.
  • Mega Tile Thirty One shows a dungeon complex with many open rooms filled with fountains, statues and... trees?
  • Mega Tile Thirty Two is a huge cavern with a few unnatural features.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Three depicts a prison complex connected to a small mine.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Four shows a large crypt complex.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Five is a fortified dungeon entrance.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Six depicts an enormous underground chamber surrounded by smaller rooms and four shrines.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Seven is a cave complex with many statues scattered throughout. An underground river, crossed by a bridge, cuts across one corner.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Eight features a traditional dungeon complex with several prominent features and new construction along one side.
  • Mega Tile Thirty Nine shows a cavern complex divided by a cliff face. Traditional dungeon corridors and rooms fill one corner of the geomorph.
  • Mega Tile Forty shows a single huge chamber containing many smaller rooms. A river featuring docks and bridges divides the space.

Mega Tile Bundles

Dungeons in Blue : Complexes

Need a stand-alone map for your virtual tabletop game? The Complexes series adds self-contained maps to the Dungeons in Blue collection! Every Complexes product contains a ready-to-fill dungeon map drawn in the classic blue style.

Each map includes assorted tricks, traps, and features, but leaves plenty of room for the GM's own additions. Complexes are standalone maps, but they also include geomorph-ready versions that add the doors, rooms, and corridors needed to connect the dungeon to other Dungeons in Blue tiles. In addition, each contains a preview image at one-third scale, map key, and brief readme PDF.

Complexes Maps

  • Complexes #1 is a traditional dungeon complex that includes a small temple, throne room and prison.
  • Complexes #2 shows a network of sewer tunnels that connect to an underground river.
  • Complexes #3 depicts another traditional dungeon and includes a minotaur-ready labyrinth.
  • Complexes #4 is a traditional dungeon with two entrances that passes through a mountain or ridge.
  • Complexes #5 depicts a mix of rooms, caves, and new construction and includes an underground river.
  • Complexes #6 shows a huge cavern, complete with magic circles and altars.
  • Complexes #7 is a temple complex guarded by a fortified outer wall.
  • Complexes #8 shows a tomb and temple complex connected to caves and an underground lake.
  • Complexes #9 is a sprawling, maze-like mining complex.
  • Complexes #10 is a gauntlet of rooms and corridors filled with tricks and traps.
  • Complexes #11 depicts a maze of sewer tunnels.
  • Complexes #12 shows a natural cavern complex with water features and a tomb complex.
  • Complexes #13 is a network of large caves taht can only be reached via holes in the ceiling.
  • Complexes #14 shows a fortified dungeon with many large halls and two shrines.
  • Complexes #15 depicts a tunnel that leads between two entrances. Side caves and carved chambers lead away in all directions.
  • Complexes #16 shows a traditional dungeon with many large pillar-lined rooms. An outdoor altar graces the dungeon entrance.
  • Complexes #17 is a network of large caverns surrounding an underground lake.
  • Complexes #18 shows a traditional dungeon complex with a large throne room and many narrow side corridors.
  • Complexes #19 depicts a lava-filled cave with many crystalline growths and steamy geysers.
  • Complexes #20 shows an underground arena surrounded by bleachers and a network of cage-filled rooms for beasts or gladiators.
  • Complexes #21 depicts a network of oddly regular, circular caves. Some contain pools of water; others hold strange objects.
  • Complexes #22 is a traditional dungeon with a section that's under construction.
  • Complexes #23 depicts a good-size tomb complex with several outdoor crypts.
  • Complexes #24 shows a large, watery cavern surrounded by smaller caves.
  • Complexes #25 depicts a sizeable central passage flanked by several smaller rooms.
  • Complexes #26 is a traditional dungeon containing multiple shrines and a small tomb.
  • Complexes #27 shows a stream-fed, underground lake in a huge cavern.
  • Complexes #28 depicts a tunnel or chasm that passed between two sheer cliffs. Rooms and chambers are cut into each cliff face.
  • Complexes #29 is a traditional dungeon with a large central hall, outer fortifications, and many side rooms.
  • Complexes #30 shows a large cavern with several water featuers. Smaller tombs are carved into the cave's walls.

Complexes Complete

This discount pack includes every published Complexes map and includes a hefty discount!

Complexes Triple Packs

Traitors' Cavern

Traitors' Cavern is a two-level dungeon map depicting natural caves that have been worked and expanded into a small network of chambers and rooms. The Caverns are sparsely decorated with natural debris and a few permanent constructed features, leaving plenty of space for the GM's own additions. This map pack contains:

  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and a distressed player-handout map, in virtual tabletop format: JPG, 75px per five-foot square.
  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and a distressed player-handout map, in reference format: PDF, four five-foot squares per inch.
  • A bookmarked PDF containing map notes and a brief history of Traitors' Cavern.

Note that these maps are primarily designed for the virtual tabletop and GM reference. They are not well-suited for battlemat printing.

Black Sage Mine

Black Sage Mine is a single-level map depicting an abandoned mine with two entrances, suitable for use in fantasy, western, or modern role-playing games. The mine is sparsely decorated with natural debris and a few permanent constructed features, leaving plenty of space for the GM's own additions. This map pack contains:

  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and two distressed player-handout maps, in virtual tabletop format: JPG, 75px per five-foot square.
  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and two distressed player-handout maps, in reference format: PDF, four five-foot squares per inch.
  • A bookmarked PDF containing map notes and a brief history of Black Sage Mine.

Note that these maps are primarily designed for the virtual tabletop and GM reference. They are not well-suited for battlemat printing.

The Lost Cellars

The Lost Cellars maps depict three small, stand-alone dungeon complexes, each with multiple entrances. These maps are sparsely decorated with natural debris and a few permanent constructed features, leaving plenty of space for the GM's own additions. This map pack contains:

  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and a distressed player-handout map, in virtual tabletop format: JPG, 75px per five-foot square.
  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and a distressed player-handout map, in reference format: PDF, four five-foot squares per inch.

Note that these maps are primarily designed for the virtual tabletop and GM reference. They are not well-suited for battlemat printing.

Oyarza's Lair

Oyarza's Lair is a single-level map depicting the abandoned (maybe) lair of the long-dead (maybe) wizard Oyarza, suitable for use in any fantasy role-playing game. The map is sparsely decorated with natural debris and a few permanent constructed features, leaving plenty of space for the GM's own additions. This map pack contains:

  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and two distressed player-handout map, in virtual tabletop format: JPG, 75px per five-foot square.
  • Player and GM maps (with / without grid), and two distressed player-handout map, in reference format: PDF, four five-foot squares per inch.

Note that these maps are primarily designed for the virtual tabletop and GM reference. They are not well-suited for battlemat printing.

Black and White Maps Pack

This discount bundle contains three previously released maps:

  • Traitor's Cavern
  • Black Sage Mine
  • The Lost Cellars

Note that these maps are primarily designed for the virtual tabletop and GM reference. They are not well-suited for battlemat printing.

Deadly Blows

Are your critical hits boring? Do the players at your table yawn and mumble a double-damage die result, without feeling the excitement of having scored a masterful blow against a challenging foe? When the GM rolls a critical is it just another die roll? Breath life back into the fateful attacks that can turn a battle on its head. The six charts in this pdf turn vanilla critical hits into a more meaningful, fun, and dangerous Deadly Blows and breathe new life into the battlefield!

  • Whack to skull clears cobwebs, but only for a moment. Nap time.
  • Concussive force of chest blow causes irregular heartbeat.
  • Clean through and through wound to chest.

Deadly Blows contains six critical hit tables that can be used with any fantasy pen and paper role-playing game. The tables provide both descriptive text and conditional effects for critical attack successes. Results are determined by attack type and a d100 die roll. Deadly Blows pulls no punches. The tables include broken bones, severed limbs, blindness, and many other dire results, but the in-game effects of these terrible injuries are determined by you and the other players at your table.

Deadly Blows is a 14-page PDF that includes system-agnostic critical hits tables for crushing, piercing, and slashing weapons and bite, bludgeon, and claw attacks. It also contains advice on adapting these tables to your game, and a Campaign Summary Sheet you can use to record the choices you make when applying Deadly Blows to your campaign.

One Page : Random Tables for Fantasy Gaming

The One Page Series gives the GM instant access to random tables full of woodland landmarks, strange objects, minor treasures, clever traps, and more! Each One Page product contains twenty unique, system-neutral entries in ready-to-roll format. Each entry can be easily adapted to any fantasy role-playing game.

One Page Products

The One Page Index is a free listing of all One Page products in PDF format. It includes links to each product, along with a brief description.

One Page #1 : Minor Treasures contains twenty ready-to-use minor treasures for your fantasy role-playing game. Each entry provides a brief description of the treasure item, plus an estimated value in gold pieces. Many items also include a minor hook or bit of lore that can provide inspiration for further adventure.

One Page #2 : Outdoor Oddities and Landmarks contains twenty strange landmarks, terrain features, and odd constructs ready to plug into any outdoor adventure. Each includes a brief description of the oddity and many include features that can be leveraged into clues or hints by the GM.

One Page #3 : Fabulous Jewelry contains twenty unique and fabulous pieces of jewelry, ready for your treasure trove! Each entry includes a brief description of the piece, plus a suggested gold piece value. Many pieces also include a bit of lore or a minor hook that can provide inspiration for further adventure.

One Page #4 : Curious Mundane Objects contains twenty strange objects you can use to confuse or baffle your players! Place them in a local curio shop, a mage's laboratory, or a treasure vault to add a touch of weirdness to your game.

One Page #5 : Tricksy Traps! provides a new and interesting way to confuse, ensnare, imperil, or just plain mangle, careless characters! Each of the twenty entries includes a detailed description of a container-based trap, along with the results of setting off the device.

One Page #6 : Second-hand Gear provides twenty pieces of used gear. Whether it's something purchased in the general store (only used by a little old elf who never left her tree), or something looted off the corpse of a less fortunate adventurer, used gear has history. Each entry describes a useful mundane item, along with a bit of history, a minor feature, or an unfortunate complication.

One Page #7 : Instant Plot Hooks contains twenty ideas for quick scenarios or challenges. Let these entries provide inspiration for short diversions, filling the game-gap when the party kills the dragon too quickly or decides to follow that one path you didn't think about.

One Page #8 - Woodland Features and Hazards. Trees everywhere! Your party is deep in the woods and you need some challenging terrain to provide some variety. This product contains twenty woodland hazards and features ready to test the party's survival skills!

One Page #9 - Desert and Wasteland Features and Hazards provides twenty unique terrain features to add color and variety to your party's desert expedition. Use them as chance encounters or to provide detail for an existing map. Not every desert is a barren stretch of sand!

One Page #10 - Plains Features and Hazards proves that the open range isn't just flat and boring. This product features twenty entries to enliven the prairies and plains of your world.

One Page #11 - Mountain and Hill Features and Hazards is all about the slope. Or slopes. This product provides twenty unique terrain features to add color and variety to any mountainous crossing. Use them as chance encounters or to provide detail for an existing map.

One Page #12 - Dungeon Junk contains twenty unique bits of junk one might find in the dungeon. One character's trash is another's improvised barricade or trap. Test your player's ingenuity by dropping these objects into your next dungeon adventure!

One Page #13 - Transitional Traps contains twenty unique traps designed for use in transitional spaces: halls, tunnels, stairs and doors. These traps are ready to wound, snare, or just confuse your players.

One Page #14 - Arctic Features and Hazards has ice and snow, glaciers and crevasses. It contains twenty unique terrain features to fill in the snowy spaces of the arctic reaches of your campaign.

One Page #15 - Jungle Features and Hazards provides twenty unique terrain features designed for the dense jungle or rainforest. Use them as chance encounters or to provide detail for an existing map.

One Page #16 - Wetland Features and Hazards provides twenty swampy, boggy, features and hazards for your game. Did the McGuffin sink into the swamp? No problem!

One Page #17 - Prisoners and Captives contains twenty system-agonistic prisoner and captive descriptions, ready to use in your fantasy campaign. Each provides a brief, gender- and race-neutral description, and a suggested reaction to freedom.

One Page #18 - Minor Powers ready-to-use mundane and magical powers and feats for your fantasy role-playing game. Give your players a little perk or add color to a favorite NPC with these abilities!

One Page #19 - Eerie Sites and Scenes provides twenty weird places for your game. If you're running a horror scenario or just need to creep out your players, these strange set-pieces are just the thing!

One Page #20 - Strange Writings contains descriptions of twenty tomes, pages, and scrolls, each with a minor hook or story attached. Reading is fundamental!

One Page #21 - The Abandoned Room contains descriptions of twenty rooms and/or their contents: strange to intriguing to creepy.

One Page #22 - Weapons with Weird Tricks contains twenty unique weapons designed with OSR gaming in mind, but easily adapted to any fantasy game. Add Terrorhook, Chillfang, or the Painmonger to your game now!

One Page #23 - Venoms and Toxins contains twenty poisons designed for use with any fantasy game. The toxins found herein are dangerous, tricky, and deadly. Each entry includes a brief description of the poison, plus its effects.

One Page #24 - Dungeon Architecture contains twenty decorative, deceiving or dangerous architectural features, ready to use in any dungeon setting. Each entry includes a brief description of the feature, plus potential uses or hazards associated with it.

One Page #25 - Fantasy Fungi lets you stage your own fungal invasion. This table contains twenty assorted molds, lichens and mushrooms suitable for use in any fantasy game (or even a weird science fiction campaign). Each entry includes a brief description of the fungus, plus potential uses or hazards associated with it.

One Page #26 - Crafting Components includes twenty unique items ready to add to alchemical, magical or crafting recipes. Each entry describes a material, where adventurers can find it and a suggested purpose. Use these items to start a fetch quest for a local wizard or as a reward for players who pay attention to their surroundings.

One Page #27 - Town Folk contains twenty brief character profiles Use these villagers and city dwellers, each with his or her own problem, to populate your campaign's capital or a country village.

One Page #28 - Dungeon Features gives you twenty unique features that are ready to add to your underground or indoor adventure. Each includes a hook, trick, or clue you can easily integrate with your planned scenario.

One Page #29 - Minor Magic contains twenty magic items you can add to any fantasy role-playing game. Most have a single minor but useful power, but a few also temper benefits with consequences.

One Page #30 - Trail Travails offers twenty minor obstacles and encounters that are ready to add to any cross-country trip.

One Page #31 - City Merchants lists twenty minor merchants ready to serve the commercial needs of your players. Each description includes a minor quirk or hook.

One Page #32 - Dungeon Flora and Fauna describes twenty plants and critters you can use in any dungeon. Each has a minor quirk or feature for added interest.

One Page #33 - Gang Leaders contains brief descriptions of twenty gang leaders and provides GMs with some insight into their motivations. Create shady groups with personal goals and objectives using these NPC thumbnails.

One Page #34 - Weird Locales puts twenty strange outdoor locations into your hands. Use them as inspiration for an adventure site or a colorful addition to your game world.

One Page #35 - Dungeon Décor contains twenty decorative items for your dungeon, crypt, or subterranean vault. Each entry in the ready-to-roll table includes a brief description and a potential hook/effect for the listed item.

One Page Bundle Deals

Uncommon Ground

The Uncommon Ground series provides ready to use textures for your RPG cartography, image creation, or traditional game artwork. Each Uncommon Ground product contains a single texture rendered in four different color schemes. Each is a 2048x2048-pixel PNG image suitable for use with most popular paint applications. All Uncommon Ground textures will tile seamlessly.

Sampler Pack

The Uncommon Ground Sampler contains six brand-new color variants of existing Uncommon Ground textures. I created this to provide a no-cost preview of the series. The sampler contains textures from the following Uncommon Ground texture packs:

Note that these texture color variants are *not* part of the original texture packs; they're original creations.

Full Color Textures

  • Cave Crawler is a rough stone texture with a slick finish.
  • True Grain is a straight, smooth-grained wood texture.
  • Flecked is a stone surface with scattered flecks bright material.
  • Erosion Control depicts a rough stone surface with lighter areas protruding from a darker substrate.
  • Lunar is an irregular stone surface with a monochromatic appearance.
  • Sand Burn is a grainy stone surface.
  • Wooden Waves depicts smooth-grained wood with wave-like darker lines.
  • Petrified Lichen is a stone texture with an irregularly colored surface.
  • Ruined Earth is a stone surface with scattered smooth depressions.
  • Streaky Stone is a streaked stone surface.
  • Battered Wall depicts stone that may have been worked or shaped.
  • Fellbeast Hide depicts a scarred surface that could be weathered leather or stone.
  • Smeared Grain is a wood texture with subtle shadings of color / tone.
  • Aggregation is a colorful, rough, stone surface texture.
  • Pitted Paint depicts a smooth surface, crudely painted.
  • Oiled Shale depicts a slick-looking stone surface with a layered appearance.
  • Melted Quartz depicts a lumpy stone surface with a melted appearance.
  • Stained Grains depicts a subtly-grained wood surface.
  • Dungeon Wall is a stained and mottled stone surface.
  • Used Canvas is a cloth-like texture with a very rough finish.
  • Weathered and Stained depicts a blotchy and rough stone surface.
  • Encrusted Stone is a stone texture with mottled encrustations.
  • Dungeon Wall II is a stained and mottled stone surface.
  • Scarred and Stained depicts stone covered with oval pits and random stains.
  • Rippled is a stone texture with a definite rippled pattern.
  • Acid Etched is a somewhat smooth stone texture with discolored / damaged areas showing.
  • Exposed Face shows blotchy, weathered stone.
  • Mud Rock is a flaky-looking stone texture. Apparently I was stuck for a name.
  • Crawlers is muted stone with a faint, worm-like, pattern on the surface.
  • Strata is a wavy, rippled stone pattern
  • Alien Bark depicts a strange, textured surface, similar to tree bark.
  • Paved is an asphalt-like stone surface.
  • Harsh Land shows weathered stone with a strong horizontal grain.
  • Lost Rivers depicts a pebbled stone texture with definitive flow marks.
  • Sheen is a smooth stone surface with a flowing, somewhat shiny pattern.
  • Ravaged is a rough and mottled stone surface.
  • Shale Swirl is a smooth stone texture with a swirling color scheme.
  • Liquified shows a flowing stone texture with a soft, monochromatic finish.
  • Tiger is a striped stone pattern with a grainy surface.
  • Hacked Marble shows a pittted, scraped, and scratched marble-like surface.
  • Other Moons shows a rough and weathered stone surface.
  • Barnboard is a wood surface with obvious signs of wear.
  • Stonewash is a subtle-toned rock pattern.
  • Worn Paper shows creased and aged paper.
  • Crinkle Cut is a crinkly slick stone surface.
  • Freckle Speckle is a stone texture with flecks and specks of color.
  • Old Stone is a weathered but fairly smooth stone surface.
  • Bright Decay resembles layers of paint on a smooth stone surface.
  • Discolored is a somewhat smooth stone surface with blotchy discolorations.
  • Cracks of Doom is a smooth surface with cracks and defects that expose bright underlying colors.
  • Stonerash is a rough stone texture in earthy shades.
  • Radiated depicts coarse rock with unnatural colors.
  • Sanded is a smooth stone texture.
  • Weaving is an abstract cloth-like pattern.
  • Fabricated shows another abstract cloth pattern.
  • Grated is a roughly hatched surface with some funky colors.
  • Alien Ground, a rough, stone-like texture rendered in a variety of unnatural colors.
  • Scab Stone, a rock texture with a grainy surface.
  • Corrosion, a grainy texture in various dull hues reminiscent of rust and verdigris.

Two Color Hatching Textures

Uncommon Ground products are licensed for personal or commercial use. You can read the license agreement right here. Preview images are available via the links above.

Items of Power

Got magic? If not, let Items of Power provide! Each volume in the Items of Power collection describes seven unique, ready-to-use magic items, easily dropped into any fantasy role-playing game that uses the world's most popular system, or one of its many OSR friends. Let your players carve a path through their enemies with the Bloodseeker Axe, aid their wounded companions with the Sanctification Vial, or spy on their foes with the Silver Serpent.

Items of Power - Volume One is a four-page PDF containing the following unique magic items:

  • Bloodseeker Axe
  • Sanctification Vial
  • Dwarf Kettle
  • Silver Serpent
  • Gargoyle Potion
  • Spider Stones
  • Wand of Darkness

Items of Power - Volume Two is a four-page PDF containing the following unique magic items:

  • Ring of Transformation
  • Arrows of Holy Flame
  • Potion of Dragon's Blood
  • Ricochet Axe
  • Cloak of Wings
  • Bag of Bones
  • Nil Light Torch

Items of Power - Volume Three is a four-page PDF containing the following unique magic items:

  • Vermin Blade
  • Steadyhand Ring
  • Lifehammer
  • Robe of Elements
  • Swords of Bees
  • Magician's Elixir
  • Skull of the Dead

The Items of Power Trilogy I contains all three Items of Power products.

Tome of Names

Tired of NPCs named Bill or Jane? Does your GM hem and haw when introducing an on-the-fly character because they can't think of a name? Tome of Names is here to help!

Each volume in this series contains contains over 370 unique names arranged as three language collections, each with its own flavor and sound. Each language collection is subdivided into given names and surnames arranged in a dice-friendly tables to allow easy random name selection.

Tome of Names Volume One is a six-page PDF containing the fictional name collections Thernastikan, Yuzonali, and Aphronidais.

Tome of Names Volume Two is a six-page PDF containing the fictional name collections Ethalic, Agalenzi, and Minian.

Tome of Names Volume Three is a six-page PDF containing the fictional name collections Dhashi, Ipar, and Tobol.

Library of Names is a bundle containing all three volumes in the Tome of Names collection at a discount.

Koslac's Crossing

A Dungeon Map for the Virtual Tabletop

The fortified underground crossroad known as Koslac's Crossing was built, and then abandoned, by the dwarves long ago. Tova Koslac, the architect for whom the site was named, went mad when it was abandoned and refused to leave. His fate remains a mystery. Now Koslac's Crossing stands empty, ready to be stocked by the wily GM!

Koslac's Crossing is a set of ready-to-fill dungeon maps for use with virtual tabletops such as Roll20 or MapTools. There are two levels containing over 100 rooms and corridors in this fortified four-way crossroad. This product includes the following files:

Three different versions of each of the dungeon's two level maps. Levels are approximately 300 feet by 300 feet, and maps are marked with a five-foot grid (60 by 60 grid squares, 70px per square). The following maps are included:

  • GM Maps - numbered, all secret doors/passages shown.
  • Keyed Player Maps - numbered, no secret doors/passages shown.
  • Unkeyed Player Maps - no numbers, no secret doors/passages shown.

The package also includes a 13-page PDF containing a brief site history, architectural notes, and compact, printable maps for use in preparing encounters and content.

The Tombs

A Dungeon Map for the Virtual Tabletop

The Tombs is a ready-to-fill dungeon map for use with virtual tabletops such as Roll20 or MapTools. This complex contains over sixty rooms and corridors, including a small shrine complex, visitation rooms and living quarters for the tomb attendants, a secret tunnel complex, and, of course, many many tombs and crypts.

This product includes six versions of the 200 foot by 200 foot complex map rendered as JPG images (150px per square, 40x40 grid squares):

  • Unkeyed player's map with no grid.
  • Unkeyed player's map with grid.
  • Keyed player's map with no grid.
  • Keyed player's map with grid.
  • Keyed GM's map with no grid.
  • Keyed GM's map with grid.

The GM's versions of the map shows the location of all secret doors in the complex.