PBE Games : Sequence Generator
Hey folks. I've noticed an increase in bounced mail from two causes. The first, is mispelled email addresses. Web browsers retain form data you entered previously, so if you're not getting the results you think you should, double check email addresses in the form before hitting submit. The second and and much more common reason is sending results to mailing lists/discussion groups. If you want to send results to a mailing list or group, you MUST include roller@pbegames.com in your group as a sender-only member. No legitimate list/group service will allow random senders thanks to spammers. If you need help setting this up for your group, contact me via the contact form and I can probably help figure it out. Thanks! Mark
This tool produces a random sequence of numbers based on a user-defined range.
If you are sending results to a mailing list (such as a Yahoo Group), please be sure the address roller@pbegames.com can send mail to the list. If possible please set this address to NOT receive list mail. My inbox will appreciate it.
The Display option (see Show Results) may not be safe for actual play depending on usage. Nothing prevents an unscrupulous player from hitting reload repeatedly to obtain results they desire.
Email Addresses
Fill in at least one email address unless the Display option is chosen below. The generator does some rudimentary address checking when results are generated, but please double-check addresses for accuracy. All addresses attempted are included in the signed message.
Summary of Results
A brief summary of what the results are for. This field is optional.
Show Results
Indicate if results should be emailed to the addresses listed, displayed on a results page, or both.
Number of Entries
How many numbers in the generated sequence. The resulting sequence will include all numbers between one and the given value. The maximum number of entries allowed is 1000.
Signed rolls can be verified here: http://www.pbegames.com/verify/
Mail Issues
- No known issues.