PBE Games : Traveller Worlds
Hey folks. I've noticed an increase in bounced mail from two causes. The first, is mispelled email addresses. Web browsers retain form data you entered previously, so if you're not getting the results you think you should, double check email addresses in the form before hitting submit. The second and and much more common reason is sending results to mailing lists/discussion groups. If you want to send results to a mailing list or group, you MUST include [email protected] in your group as a sender-only member. No legitimate list/group service will allow random senders thanks to spammers. If you need help setting this up for your group, contact me via the contact form and I can probably help figure it out. Thanks! Mark
This is a random world generator for the Traveller RPG, based on the rules found in the Mongoose Traveller Core Rule Book. It should be considered beta quality at this point. You can use one of two methods to generate worlds. There is no way to mix seed and UWP planet generation.
UWP Planets
If you have your own UWPs, you can plug them into the UWP fields. The generator will use a seed based on the UWP you provide to generate remaining system values (gas giant, bases) and market data. Note that a UWP taken from a seed-generated planet will not generate the same system as the seed itself! A UWP-generated planet always creates a seed based on the provided UWP.
The UWP values you provide are ranged checked and adjusted if they fall outside the following ranges:
- Port - invalid ports default to class C
- Size - 0 to 10
- Atmosphere - 0 to 15
- Hydrographics - 0 to 10
- Population - 0 to 10
- Government - 0 to 13
- Law Level - 0 to 9
- Tech Level - 0 to 15
I think these values correspond to rules as written. If I've made an error, please contact me. My Traveller-fu is rusty.
Seed Planets
Seed generation uses random numbers to generate the planet's UWP and all system features (bases, gas giants, etc.) If you stumble across a planet you like, you can check the box next to the seed to keep the value and generated values. You can also cut/paste seed values into the appropriate fields to recreate the planet. If the checkbox is not checked, the generator will create a new random seed, even if there's a value filled in.
Market Data
Market data is randomized each time the generator runs. Details of goods will vary each time, even if you use the same pair of seed or UWP planets.